Bristol University develops 3-D touchable hologram technology -> Google Pie Bristol University develops 3-D touchable hologram technology - Google Pie

Friday, 5 December 2014

Bristol University develops 3-D touchable hologram technology

The Bristol University team used focused ultrasound to create 3-D objects made of air that a person can see and touch.Technology to feel and interact with holograms is becoming a reality.The Department of Computer Science at Bristol University created a method to see and feel 3-D shapes made out of air by using focused ultrasound.This technology can eventually be developed to help surgeons explore CT scans and help them feel tumors using haptic feedback, said Ben Long, a research assistant involved with the project, in a statement."Touchable holograms, immersive virtual reality that you can feel and complex touchable controls in free space, are all possible ways of using this system," Long said.The device they created makes patterns in mid-air with focused ultrasound. The air disturbances are focused enough that a person can feel them.


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