It had been a while that news relating to VoIP feature on WhatsApp had not appeared online. However, the rumors and leaks about the voice call feature on the most popular messaging app has made its way to the headlines again.
While last month, the tech world saw some screenshot leaks that showed signs of voice call feature on WhatsApp and also back in September, a leaked pop-up menu hinted at Voice Calling feature in the reknowned app, now one more screenshot has leaked online which confirms that its coming soon.
The folks at Android focused website, has published alleged screenshots of a build of the WhatsApp app that offers calling features. Perhaps the build is being used by testers or employees and the features will be included in the official build when it's finally announced. The screenshots suggest that there would be separate screens for dialing a voice call to WhatsApp contacts, call logs and ongoing calls. One of the shots of a conversation window also features received and missed call icons though. It's difficult to verify the authenticity of the screenshots and WhatsApp has not confirmed that it's testing it via beta builds.
Earlier this year, Facebook purchased WhatsApp at $21 billion and WhatsApp has been exponentially growing. In India the messaging app recorded user-base of more than 70 million. Further, with the launch of voice calling feature, there's quite a possibility that WhatsApp will score the user base of WeChat, Viber, Google Hangout and more.
Although, it is not sure when the WhatsApp will roll out the new VoIP feature, it can be expected soon.
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